About Mahesh Bal Bhavan
Mahesh Balbhavan has worked out a solution
for the problems of children's play area by starting Bal Bhavan since
last 30 years and thousands of students have been benefited.
Balbhavan's activities are open round the year. The class rooms used
for the activities a wide and airy and have lot of items for children
to play. Balbhavan's mission is to skills and crafts, develop spirit
of adventure, love for sports and overall develop child's promote personality.
Small games, Sanskar classes, Ground
activities, Trips, Trekking and Campfire shibirs are conducted during
Diwali and summer vacations. Balbhavan also has arrangement for special
classes under the supervision specialist teachers.
Activities :
1. Classes according to age groups.
2. Few
courses for adults also)